Verification and validation services we provide are:
California, Oregon and Washington GHG Emission Data Reports
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Alternative Fuel Pathways Applications and Reports
Oregon Clean Fuels Program (CFP) Fuel Pathway Applications, Annual Fuel Pathway Reports and Quarterly Fuel Transaction Reports
CDP Reports
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reports
Carbon Verification Service provides assurance services throughout the US and internationally with staff located in New York, Washington, DC, and San Francisco. We provide verification and validation services only. We do not provide consulting services to prevent actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
Carbon Verification Service and its staff are accredited by:
California Air Resources Board (CARB) to verify GHG Emission Data Reports. (Executive Order-22-015).
CARB to validate and verify Low Carbon Fuel Standard Alternative Fuel Pathway Applications and Reports (Executive Order H3-23-004).
Oregon DEQ to verify GHG emission data reports (Approval ID# GHGVB‐03).
Oregon DEQ to verify and validate Alternative Fuel Pathway Applications and CFP Reports (Approval ID # CFPVB‐021).
Washington Ecology to verify GHG emission data reports (Accreditation Letter 12/11/2023).
We are accredited to verify GHG reports for:
· Electric power entity transactions
· Electric power generation
· Stationary fuel combustion
· Transportation fuel supplier transactions
· Natural gas supplier transactions
· CO2 suppliers
· Hydrogen production
· Oil and gas systems, including carbon capture sequestration
· Petroleum refineries
· Pulp and paper manufacturing
· Cement, lime, glass and iron and steel production

Carbon Verification Service customers include
Wholesale Power Marketers
Retail Electricity Providers
Fuel Importers and Exporters
Power Plants (Fossil Fuel-fired and Renewable)
Industrial Gas Plants
Stationary Combustion Facilities